How to choose a good diode laser?
Warranty and after-sales policies are also worth paying attention to when choosing products, especially high-tech equipment such as permanent hair removal machines.
Usually reputable suppliers always have very good customer care, quick maintenance.
Please ask yourself below Questions before you offer hair removal laser treatment:
1. What is the structure of hair?
2. Which part provides nutrient for hair?
3. Which part contains melanin in the hair?
Hair growth has a cycle of phases, including anagen, catagen and resting phases. The stages are different for each person and body part.
So when we talk about any light-based hair removal treatment, we are talking about the action of laser or light during the anagen stage, since it is only during this stage that the hair contains melanin.
Lasers designed for permanent hair reduction emit wavelengths of light that are absorbed by the melaniin the hair focle(dermal papilla,
matrix cells, melanocytes).
If the surrounding skin is lighter than the color of the hair, more of the laser energy will be concentrated in the hair shaft (selective photo
thermalysis), effectively destroying it without affecting the skin.
Once the hair follicle is destroyed, hair will gradually fall out, then the remaining hair growth activity will turn to anagenstage,but turn to
very thin and soft due to without enough nutrient support the health hair growth.